Page 74 - 月刊 2024第3期 7月
P. 74
Ⅴ. Development Prospects and Strategic Analysis of Hong Kong Legal Practitioners in the GBA
control. Currently, the fundamental basis for the collaboration between law firms in Hong Kong and Macao with
the Mainland is still the “Interim Measures of the Guangdong Justice Department on Hong Kong Law Firms and
Macao Law Firms Operating in the Form of Partnership Association with Mainland Law Firms in Guangdong
Province” which was revised in 2019 (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”). The Measures specify the scale,
establishment duration, initial capital contribution, as well as post-establishment scale, office location, business
scope, and other requirements for law firms in Hong Kong and Mainland applying for partnership operation.
Since its introduction in 2018, the Measures have only been amended once in 2019. Despite some relaxation of
partnership requirements, there are still numerous restrictions. With the pilot program now exceeding five years,
it is worth considering further lowering the threshold, suitably expanding the business scope, and exploring
more flexible and adaptable models of collaborative operation based on the results of the pilot program. This
would better address the rapidly changing market conditions and prevent industry contraction. Adjustments
to professional liability insurance should also be made to align with the new operational models. Currently,
the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province is soliciting opinions from the public on a revised draft of
the Measures and the “Guangdong Justice Department on Pilot Measures for Hong Kong and Macao Legal
Practitioners to Obtain Mainland Practice Qualifications and to Practise as Lawyers in the nine Mainland
Municipalities in the GBA” (hereinafter referred as “the Pilot Measures”). The revised draft of the Measures
do not have significant changes regarding the conditions for applying for partnership associations, capital
requirements, or the scope of business accepted. Hong Kong legal practitioners can provide feedback, such as
suggestions, modifications, or clarifications on existing regulations, or raise concerns or suggestions regarding
the potential impacts of changes on legal practitioners and their clients. In the 2023 draft for soliciting opinions
on the Pilot Measures, the practice experience requirement for lawyers is reduced from five years to three years,
expanding the scope of lawyers eligible to practise in the nine Mainland municipalities of the GBA. A new
Article 23 is also added which provides that “Lawyers in the GBA can handle legal matters approved for practice
in the Hong Kong SAR, the Macao SAR, and other countries or regions outside China.” In response to these
amendments, Hong Kong legal practitioners can actively participate in discussions and provide feedback on the
website of the Guangdong Justice Department.
In the face of rapid changes and growth challenges in the legal services industry, exploring and adopting
new cooperation modes has become one of the key strategies to promote the sustainable development of law
firms. Particularly considering the impacts of technological advancements, diversified client demands, and
global competition, the traditional partnership or sole proprietorship modes may no longer fully meet the needs
of the modern legal services market. Therefore, adopting cross-industry or group limited company modes for
law firm operations is worth consideration. Such modes have been successfully practised in Commonwealth
countries like Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, demonstrating their feasibility and benefits. These modes