Page 52 - 月刊 2024第3期 7月
P. 52
IV. Demand for Legal Services in the GBA
In addition, with the favourable geographical location of the GBA, law firms in the GBA have gained more
opportunities for personal contacts and interactions with Hong Kong practitioners. Lawyers from both regions
have been able to enhance their understanding of each other through activities organised by lawyers’ associations
and chambers of commerce, etc. Furthermore, an increasing number of Hong Kong law firms are partnering with
Mainland law firms or setting up representative offices in the Mainland, which provide a platform for cooperation
and communication between lawyers from the two regions.
The modes of contact between Mainland law
firms and Hong Kong legal practitioners
Personal Contacts 51.8%
Interactive Activities 74.1%
Straight-to-the-point Business Dealings 88.9%
(c) Mode of cooperation between Mainland law firms and Hong Kong legal practitioners
(c) Mode of cooperation between Mainland law firms and Hong Kong legal practitioners
mainly through ad hoc or permanent partnerships
mainly through ad hoc or permanent partnerships
The survey data shows that among the 25 Mainland law firms working with Hong Kong legal practitioners,
The survey data shows that among the 25 Mainland law firms working with Hong Kong legal
56% of them chose to work with Hong Kong legal practitioners through casework collaboration. Similarly,
64.2% of Hong Kong legal practitioners chose to conduct business in the Mainland through referrals to Mainland
practitioners, 56% of them chose to work with Hong Kong legal practitioners through casework
law firms. This suggests that both Mainland law firms and Hong Kong legal practitioners tend to establish
collaboration. Similarly, 64.2% of Hong Kong legal practitioners chose to conduct business in the
temporary partnerships through handling ad hoc cases. Both parties enhance their understanding and learn from
Mainland through referrals to Mainland law firms. This suggests that both Mainland law firms and
each other in the process. The advantage of this mode of cooperation is that the flexibility of collaboration helps
Hong Kong legal practitioners tend to establish temporary partnerships through handling ad hoc
Mainland law firms and Hong Kong legal practitioners find more suitable partners for individual cases, and
cases. Both parties enhance their understanding and learn from each other in the process. The
allows them to gain access to a wider range of legal resources from both regions at the same time.
advantage of this mode of cooperation is that the flexibility of collaboration helps Mainland law
In addition, 24% of the Mainland law firms work with Hong Kong legal practitioners through joint ventures.
Whereas 45.3% of Hong Kong law firms have set up representative offices in the Mainland, 37.7% have
firms and Hong Kong legal practitioners find more suitable partners for individual cases, and allows
established partnership associations with Mainland law firms. The advantage of this is that both parties are
them to gain access to a wider range of legal resources from both regions at the same time.
In addition, 24% of the Mainland law firms work with Hong Kong legal practitioners through joint
ventures. Whereas 45.3% of Hong Kong law firms have set up representative offices in the Mainland,
49 As there are various modes of cooperation between Mainland law firms and Hong Kong legal practitioners, the relevant question in the
questionnaire allows multiple choices, leading to a statistical result of more than 100%.
37.7% have established partnership associations with Mainland law firms. The advantage of this
is that both parties are familiar with their respective work practices, making communication and
assistance easier, and more conducive to long-term and in-depth exchanges and cooperations in the
49 As there are various modes of cooperation between Mainland law firms and Hong Kong legal
practitioners, the relevant question in the questionnaire allows multiple choices, leading to a statistical
result of more than 100%.