Page 38 - 月刊 2024第3期 7月
P. 38
III. Problems in Cooperation
III. Problems in Cooperation
The differences in social systems, applicable international treaties and legislative systems within the GBA,
coupled with the weak basis for legal cooperation in the GBA, have resulted in certain stagnation in the process
of cooperation amongst legal practitioners in the GBA. The analysis below is based on the information collected
in the survey.
3.1 Obstacles to Hong Kong practitioners practising in the GBA
In 2020, the General Office of the State Council published the “Pilot Measures for Hong Kong and Macao
Legal Practitioners to Obtain Mainland Practice Qualifications and to Practise as Lawyers in the Nine Mainland
Municipalities in the GBA” (hereinafter “the Pilot Measures”). According to the Notice on the Pilot Measures,
Hong Kong and Macao legal practitioners who meet certain application requirements can participate in the
training and examination on relevant legal knowledge organised by the Ministry of Justice (“MOJ”). Those who
pass the examination can obtain a lawyer’s licence to practise as lawyers in the GBA.
3.1.1 Major difficulties for Hong Kong law firms establishing offices and non-partnership
In November 2003, the MOJ published the “Measures for the Management of Associations Formed by Law
Firms of the Hong Kong SAR or the Macao SAR and Mainland Law Firms” (“the Management Measures”),
which was last amended in 2012 and have been in force for more than 10 years. According to the Management
Measures, the associations formed by a Hong Kong or Macao law firm with a Mainland law firm shall not be in
the form of partnership or legal entity. Therefore, in practice, cooperation between Mainland and Hong Kong
law firms is mainly based on non-partnership associations. This involves many problems related to industry
development, such as insufficient ancillary facilities, entry requirements for partnership associations, scope of
44 Pilot Measures for Hong Kong and Macao Legal Practitioners to Obtain Mainland Practice Qualifications and to Practise as Lawyers
in the Nine Mainland municipalities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) , The General Office of the State
Council (October 22, 2020),