Page 32 - 月刊 2024第3期 7月
P. 32
II. The Status Quo and Basis of Cooperation of Hong Kong Legal Practitioners in the GBA
Hong Kong lawyers’ general understanding of legal services
in the GBA
Very familiar with the relevant laws, regulations and
policies 7.6%
Have heard of but do not know 49.1%
Know some 33.9%
Regarding the ways of starting business in the Mainland, more than half (64.2%) of the respondents would
recommend business to Mainland law firms, while the rest have either set up representative offices in the
Mainland (45.3%) or formed partnership associations with Mainland law firms (37.7%). A small percentage
(20.2%) have sent lawyers to Mainland law firms to practise as GBA lawyers.
The ways to conduct business in the Mainland
Sent lawyers to practice in the Mainland 20.2%
Cooperate with Mainland law firms 37.7%
Set up representative offices in the Mainland 45.3%
Recommend business to Mainland law firms 64.2%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%