Page 26 - 月刊 2024第3期 7月
P. 26
II. The Status Quo and Basis of Cooperation of Hong Kong Legal Practitioners in the GBA
law firms hired 1 to 5 consultants and assistant solicitors. 7.6% of the law firms hired more than 20 consultants,
and 22.6% hired more than 20 assistant solicitors. 58.5% did not hire foreign lawyers, while 15.1% hired more
than 20 foreign lawyers.
This data indicates that the majority of Hong Kong law firms have a small number of practitioners with a
with a simple structure. However, there are also some firms of larger scale with more complex
simple structure. However, there are also some firms of larger scale with more complex personnel structures.
personnel structures. These bigger firms often handle a wider range of business areas with sources
These bigger firms often handle a wider range of business areas with sources of business from various regions.
of business from various regions.
Size of law firms and number of trainee solicitors in 2022 and 2023
No. of firms No. of trainee solicitors
Size of firm
2023 2022 2023 2022
Sole proprietorships 430 436 66 80
2 – 5 partners 384 386 276 321
6 – 10 partners 51 48 174 179
11 – 20 partners 45 47 287 308
Over 20 partners 16 14 245 237
Total 926 931 1,048 1,125
# excluding 26 working in government and 4 working “in-house”
* excluding 24 working in government and 4 working “in-house”
Source: The Law Society of Hong Kong
2.1.2 Main business situation of Hong Kong law firms
2.1.2 Main business situation of Hong Kong law firms
(a) Diverse business types, primarily civil and commercial cases
According to the survey, the business of surveyed Hong Kong law firms includes both litigation and
(a) Diverse business types, primarily civil and commercial cases
non-litigation matters. The responses from the survey questionnaire for Hong Kong law firms
According to the survey, the business of surveyed Hong Kong law firms includes both litigation and non-
indicate that 37.7% of the firms primarily focus on litigation, with non-litigation as secondary, while
litigation matters. The responses from the survey questionnaire for Hong Kong law firms indicate that 37.7%
39.6% prioritise in non-litigation, with litigation as secondary. Only 7.6% and 15.1% exclusively
of the firms primarily focus on litigation, with non-litigation as secondary, while 39.6% prioritise in non-
handle litigation or non-litigation matters respectively. Meanwhile, the scope of services of Hong
litigation, with litigation as secondary. Only 7.6% and 15.1% exclusively handle litigation or non-litigation
Kong law firms is extensive, with a predominant emphasis on civil and commercial cases. Among
matters respectively. Meanwhile, the scope of services of Hong Kong law firms is extensive, with a predominant
them, the most common types of cases by business volume are:
emphasis on civil and commercial cases. Among them, the most common types of cases by business volume are:
i. Company/Commercial Law (84.9%); 40
40 The questionnaire allowed multiple selections, so the cumulative results exceed 100%. This indicates that 84.9%
of surveyed law firms are involved in company law/commercial law, and similarly for the following categories.