The Roll of Honour is established to tribute to any solicitor whose name remains on the roll of solicitors and who has, in the opinion of the Council, given such distinguished service to the Law Society or its Council, the development of the legal profession in Hong Kong or the practice of law, that his contribution warrants recognition by the Law Society.
The Law List is published by the Law Society for the purpose of facilitating the public and members of the Law Society in identifying and locating solicitors, foreign lawyers and law firms registered with the Law Society. The personal data contained in The Law List should not be used for any other purposes. It is a criminal offence under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to use the personal data in The Law List for direct marketing without the data subjects' consent.
Whilst the Law Society has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the entries, it accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in The Law List.
Scam Alert: From time to time, the Law Society receives reports on scam websites, emails or other means of communication using bogus law firms or solicitors / foreign lawyers on fake law firm letterheads with false contact details. A list of these scam reports is available on the Law Society’s Scam Alert webpage.
The following is the list of names of the solicitors on the roll of honour:-
Name (English) | Name (Chinese) | Year of admission to Roll of Honour |
Sir Yuet-Keung KAN , GBE, Hon. LLD, BA, JP | 簡悅強 | 2001 |
P.A.L. VINE, OBE, VRD, LLB (Lond), Hon. LLD ( Hong Kong ), JP | 范培德 | 2001 |
Dr. The Hon. P. C. WOO, LLB, PhD (Lond), JP | 胡百全 | 2001 |
W.I. CHEUNG | 張永賢 | 2002 |
Kenneth LO | 羅德璋 | 2002 |
Francis H.B. WONG | 黃學斌 | 2002 |
WONG Wai Pat | 黃維弼 | 2003 |
Ella S. K. CHEONG, JP | 張淑姬 | 2004 |
Brian S. McELNEY, OBE | 麥雅理 | 2004 |
C.H. WONG, CBE, JP | 黃頌顯 | 2004 |
Edmund Y.S. CHEUNG, JP | 張恩純 | 2008 |
LEUNG Oi-sie, Elsie, GBM., JP | 梁愛詩 | 2010 |
Christopher Cheuk CHAN | 陳 爵 | 2011 |
Ian MacCALLUM, JP | 2011 | |
James Julius BERTRAM | 占伯麒 | 2012 |
Siu Hon LEUNG, B.A. (Law), Hon. LLD (Southampton) | 梁肇漢 | 2012 |
Tin Sun TONG, BA, LLB (Lond), Hon. LLD, JP | 唐天燊 | 2012 |
Simon Sik On IP, CBE, Hon.DEd, Hon.LLD., JP | 葉錫安 | 2013 |
William H.C. TSUI, JP | 徐慶全 | 2013 |
A. Donald YAP, JP | 葉天養 | 2013 |
Anthony Wing Kin CHOW, SBS JP | 周永健 | 2014 |
Anson K.C. KAN | 簡錦材 | 2014 |
Roderick Bun WOO, JP | 吳 斌 | 2014 |
Fred KAN | 簡家驄 | 2016 |
Herbert Hak Kong TSOI, BBS, JP | 蔡克剛 | 2016 |
Charles Yeh-kwong LEE, GBM, OBE, JP | 李業廣 | 2017 |
Robin S. PEARD FCIArb, FHKIArb, FSIArb, JP | 2017 | |
Anna WU Hung Yuk, GBS, SBS, JP | 胡紅玉 | 2017 |
IP Shing Hing, JP | 葉成慶 | 2018 |
Vincent LIANG, JP | 梁雲生 | 2018 |
SIT Kien-ping, Peter | 薛建平 | 2018 |
Bebe Pui Ying CHU | 朱珮瑩 | 2020 |
FOO Tak Ching | 傅德楨 | 2020 |
Michael J. LINTERN-SMITH | 2020 | |
Professor Albert H.Y. CHEN, GBS, SBS, JP | 陳弘毅 | 2021 |
Lester G. HUANG, SBS, JP | 黃嘉純 | 2021 |
WONG Kwai Huen, SBS, BBS, JP | 王桂壎 | 2022 |
Bruno CHAN | 陳忠基 | 2023 |
Roland Kun Chee CHOW | 周近智 | 2023 |
Sir Po-shing WOO | 胡寶星 | 2023 |
Dr. the Hon Junius HO Kwan Yiu, BBS, JP | 何君堯 | 2024 |
Richard MORRIS | 2024 |