Solicitors listed under this section do not hold current practising certificates but have subscribed to the membership of the Law Society.
For the names of all solicitors admitted by the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (or the Supreme Court of Hong Kong before 1997), reference should be made to the Roll of Solicitors kept by the Registrar of the High Court.
The Law List is published by the Law Society for the purpose of facilitating the public and members of the Law Society in identifying and locating solicitors, foreign lawyers and law firms registered with the Law Society. The personal data contained in The Law List should not be used for any other purposes. It is a criminal offence under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to use the personal data in The Law List for direct marketing without the data subjects' consent.
Whilst the Law Society has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the entries, it accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in The Law List.
Scam Alert: From time to time, the Law Society receives reports on scam websites, emails or other means of communication using bogus law firms or solicitors / foreign lawyers on fake law firm letterheads with false contact details. A list of these scam reports is available on the Law Society’s Scam Alert webpage .
The following is the list of the names of the solicitor members who do not hold current practising certificates:-
No. | Name (English) | Name (Chinese) |
301 | CHIU CHUNG HOI | 趙頌凱 |
302 | CHIU HIU SUM | 趙曉森 |
303 | CHIU HIU YAN KIMMY | 趙曉欣 |
304 | CHIU HO YIN | 趙浩然 |
305 | CHIU HOI YAN | 招凱欣 |
306 | CHIU HON FU | 趙漢夫 |
307 | CHIU JOYCE CASSIE | 趙唘詩 |
308 | CHIU KONG SANG | 趙港生 |
309 | CHIU KUNG LAM | 趙公琳 |
310 | CHIU LAI YU, BONNIE | 趙麗如 |
311 | CHIU NAM YING, AGNES | 趙藍英 |
312 | CHIU SHUI SUET | 招瑞雪 |
313 | CHIU TSZ LOK | 趙芷樂 |
315 | CHIU WAI YEE, HILDA | 趙慧儀 |
316 | CHIU WING YIU | 趙詠瑤 |
317 | CHO HAE WON RUCIA | 曹惠元 |
318 | CHO PAUL POK KWAN | 曹博鈞 |
319 | CHOI CHI YAN, GIAN | 蔡芷炘 |
320 | CHOI CHING YEE, ANNE | 蔡靜兒 |
321 | CHOI CHUN HIM | 蔡雋謙 |
324 | CHOI HO YAN BRIAN | 蔡浩仁 |
325 | CHOI MAN MINNIE | 蔡 敏 |
326 | CHOI MAN YEE, BETTY | 蔡敏儀 |
327 | CHOI MAN YU, FRANKIE | 蔡文羽 |
328 | CHOI TIN YAU | 蔡天佑 |
329 | CHOI TSOEK HIN | 蔡卓謙 |
330 | CHOK NOK YIU | 卓諾堯 |