For solicitor members whose names are marked with an "", they have been restored to the Roll of Solicitors within the current practice year.

Details of KEE WAH SZE
Name (English) KEE WAH SZE
Name (Chinese) 紀華士
Admission in Hong Kong 03/1982
Holding Current Practising Certificate
Notary Public (member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries)
China-Appointed Attesting Officer
Post Partner
Firm/Company (English) CHEUK MICHAEL, WONG & KEE
Firm/Company (Chinese) 卓黃紀律師事務所
Address (English) ROOM 2102, 21/F, TOWER 2, LIPPO CENTRE, 89 QUEENSWAY, HONG KONG
Address (Chinese) 香港 金鐘道89號 力寶中心第二座21樓2102室
Telephone 2525-1080
Fax 2810-6433