For solicitor members whose names are marked with an "", they have been restored to the Roll of Solicitors within the current practice year.

Details of KWAN SUET MAN
Name (English) KWAN SUET MAN
Name (Chinese) 關雪雯
Admission in Hong Kong 01/2003
Holding Current Practising Certificate
China-Appointed Attesting Officer
Post Consultant
Firm/Company (English) CHOW & HO, SOLICITORS
Firm/Company (Chinese) 何啟德,黃淑霞律師行
Address (English) ROOMS 2102-03, 21/F, 299 QRC, 287-299 QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL, HONG KONG
Address (Chinese) 香港 皇后大道中287-299號 299QRC 21樓2102-03室
Telephone 2851-3968
Fax 2851-3891