The List of China-Appointed Attesting Officers is compiled by using the information provided to the Law Society by the Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers Limited.
This List is published by the Law Society for the purpose of facilitating the public and members of the Law Society in identifying and locating China-Appointed Attesting Officers. The personal data contained in this List should not be used for any other purposes. It is a criminal offence under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to use the personal data in this List for direct marketing without the data subjects' consent.
Whilst the Law Society has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the entries, it accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this List.
Scam Alert: From time to time, the Law Society receives reports on scam websites, emails or other means of communication using bogus law firms or solicitors / foreign lawyers on fake law firm letterheads with false contact details. A list of these scam reports is available on the Law Society’s Scam Alert webpage.
If you have any question on China-Appointed Attesting Officer, please contact and/or visit the website of the Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers Limited.
The following is the list of China-Appointed Attesting Officers. Please note that if any solicitor is not practising in a law firm, he/she is not eligible to provide attesting service.
No. | Name (English) | Name (Chinese) |
301 | PANG MELISSA KAYE | 彭韻僖 |
302 | PANG YEUK HON, VERNON | 彭約翰 |
303 | PE HONG TENG | 白鴻滕 |
304 | POON CHI HO | 潘志豪 |
305 | POON CHIN HUNG, ALMON | 潘展鴻 |
306 | SHAW SHUN FAT | 邵信發 |
307 | SHEA YING FAI | 佘英輝 |
308 | SHIU WING HO | 邵永豪 |
309 | SHU CHI KIT, DAVID | 舒志傑 |
310 | SHUM HON WO | 岑漢和 |
311 | SHUM MAN KWONG | 岑文光 |
312 | SHUM MAN WAI | 岑文偉 |
313 | SIAO CHI LAM, KENNETH | 蕭智林 |
314 | SIT KIEN PING, PETER | 薛建平 |
315 | SIU CHAK YU, SIMON | 蕭澤宇 |
316 | SIU CHOI FAT | 蕭財發 |
317 | SIU MAN HO, SIMON | 蕭文豪 |
318 | SIU WING YEE, SYLVIA | 蕭詠儀 |
319 | SIU YAT FUNG, ANTHONY | 蕭一峯 |
320 | SO CHE WING, REX | 蘇志榮 |
321 | SO FAI CHEUNG | 蘇輝祥 |
322 | SO FUK CHING | 蘇福禎 |
323 | SO HOP SHING, KENNETH | 蘇合成 |
324 | SO KIT YEE, KITTY | 蘇潔兒 |
325 | SO SHIU TSUNG, THOMAS | 蘇紹聰 |
326 | SUM KWAN NGAI, RONALD | 岑君毅 |
327 | SUNG WAI TAK, HERMAN | 宋衛德 |
328 | SUNG WING KWONG | 宋榮光 |
330 | SZETO KING PUI, ALBERT | 司徒烱培 |