ASEAN embraces international trade and has been Hong Kong’s second-largest merchandise trade partner for more than a decade. On a four-day trip (10-13 September) led by the Asian Academy of International Law (“AAIL”)’s Co-Chair Teresa Cheng, Council Member Calvin Cheng represented the Law Society to participate as a member of the delegation to visit Bangkok.

Apart from a courtesy visit to the Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in The Kingdom of Thailand, the delegation visited top-notch local law schools, Thailand Institute of Justice, Thailand Arbitration Centre, Thai Arbitration Institute and Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Fruitful exchanges were made with respect to the latest arbitration and mediation developments in Hong Kong, as well as maritime and aerospace laws with the aim to strengthen the ties between the two jurisdictions.

The Law Society anticipates closer ties with our Thailand counterparts by promoting Hong Kong’s leading position as an international legal and dispute resolution services centre in the Asia-Pacific region.

Led by the AAIL, the delegation provided a valuable opportunity for Hong Kong’s legal community to connect with key industry players in ASEAN’s second-largest economy – Thailand.