Vice-President Amirali Nasir, concurrently the Chairman of Hong Kong Solicitors Indemnity Fund Limited of the Law Society, participated in the Professional Indemnity for Law Societies Forum 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 16 to 17 May 2024. 

At the invitation of the Malaysian Bar, Mr Nasir brought to the audience a comprehensive presentation on the Professional Indemnity (“PI”) Scheme in Hong Kong. From the history to the structure and the ordinance, he explained the role and importance of the Law Society in this realm. What followed afterwards was a “Roundtable Discussion: Staying Resilient”, exclusively made for selected law societies. The discussion was an eye-opener to foster exchange of information and reflection on the Law Society’s PI Scheme.

The Forum provided a valuable opportunity for attendees to deepen their understanding of how PI supports lawyers in managing their practice risks from a wider point of view.