Global Network Landing
Global Network Landing

The Law Society has signed a total of 47 Memoranda of Understanding (“MOUs”) as part of the ongoing mission of the ILAC to develop and further relationships with overseas lawyers' associations and international legal organisations. The list of signed organisations is as follow:

Jurisdiction Lawyers' Association/ Organisation
/ Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre
/ International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA)
/ Commonwealth Lawyers Association
Australia The Law Council of Australia
Australia (New South Wales) The Law Society of New South Wales
Australia (Queensland) Queensland Law Society
Australia (Victoria) Law Institute of Victoria
Cambodia  The Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia
Croatia Croatian Bar Association
Czech Republic Czech Bar Association
Egypt Egyptian Bar Association
France French National Bar Council
Georgia Georgian Bar Association 
Germany  The German Federal Bar 
Hungary  Hungarian Bar Association 
India  Bar Association of India 
Indonesia  Indonesian Advocates Association 
Italy (Milan) Milan Bar Association 
Japan The Japan Federation of Bar Associations 
Japan (Hyogo prefecture)  Hyogo Bar Association 
Japan (Okinawa) Okinawa Bar Association
Japan (Osaka)  Osaka Bar Association 
Japan (Tokyo)  Tokyo Bar Association 
Japan (Tokyo) Daini Tokyo Bar Association
Kazakhstan Astana International Financial Centre Authority
Luxembourg  Luxembourg Bar Association 
Malaysia  Malaysian Bar 
Malaysia (Sabah) Sabah Law Society
Mongolia  Mongolian Bar Association 
Poland  The Polish National Bar of Attorneys 
Poland (Gdańsk)  Gdańsk Bar Association of Attorneys-at law 
Republic of Korea Korean Bar Association 
Republic of Korea (Seoul)  Seoul Bar Association 
Russia  The Russian Federal Bar Association 
Singapore The Law Society of Singapore
Slovenia  Slovenian Bar Association 
Spain (Madrid)  Madrid Bar Association 
Sri Lanka  Bar Association of Sri Lanka 
United Kingdom (England & Wales)  The Law Society of England and Wales 
United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Dubai International Financial Centre Courts
United States (California) California Lawyers Association (International Law and Immigration Section)
United States (Florida)  Florida Bar (International Law Section) 
Vietnam Vietnam Bar Federation